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Student Dissertations/Theses



E. Jules Maier Zuchhino, 2023, "Lead Them or Fall: Examining Representations of Leadership in Dragon Age: Inquisition," MA thesis, Concordia University, Canada


Marc Lajeunesse, 2023, "Transgressive Positivity in Four Online Multiplayer Games," doctoral dissertation, Concordia University, Canada


Andrei Zanescu, 2023, "Blockbuster Resonance in Games: How Assassin's Creed and Magic: The Gathering Simulate Classical Antiquity," doctoral dissertation, Concordia University, Canada


Sarah Christina Ganzon, 2022, "Playing at Romance Otome Games, Globalization and Postfeminist Media Cultures," doctoral dissertation, Concordia University, Canada


Patricia Petit Liang, 2022, "Expressing Displeasure: A Casual Guide to Making Sims 4 Machinima During a Pandemic," MA research creation thesis, Concordia University, Canada


C.E. Lyne Dwyer, 2021, "Trouble in Paradise: Non-Monogamies and Queer Play in Single-Player Digital Games," MA thesis, Concordia University, Canada


Ryan Scheiding, 2021, "Zombies, Vaults & Violence: Collective Memory and the Representation of Atomic Fears in Video Games," doctoral dissertation, Concordia University, Canada


Tamyres Lucas Manhães de Souza, 2021, "You Could Have Saved Her: Representations of Violence Against Women in Choice-based Games," MA thesis, Concordia University, Canada


Jessie Marchessault, 2020, "Casual Play, Hardcore Community: Social and Spatial Ecosystems in Location-Based Mobile Gameplay," MA thesis, Concordia University, Canada


Julia Ghorayeb Zamboni, 2020, "Robot Ludens: Inducing the Semblance of Life in Machines," doctoral dissertation, Concordia University, Canada


Carolyn Jong, 2020, "Bringing Politics into it: Organizing at the Intersection of Videogames and Academia," doctoral dissertation, Concordia University, Canada


Scott DeJong, 2020, "Generational Controls: Designing and Implementing a Serious Intergenerational Escape Game that Analogizes Data Personalization, Filter Bubbles and Echo Chambers," MA research creation thesis, Concordia University, Canada


Maize Longboat, 2019, "Terra Nova: Conceptualizing Videogame Development through Indigenous-Led Creation," MA research creation thesis, Concordia University, Canada


Courtney Blamey, 2019, "Bringing Down the Banhammer: Understanding the Impact of Competitive Players on Moderation Tactics in Overwatch," MA thesis, Concordia University, Canada


Erin O'Loughlin, 2019, "Contribution of Exergaming Behaviour to Physical Activity: Toward Better Understanding the Role of Motivation," doctoral dissertation, Concordia University, Canada


Nicholas Watson, 2019, "Re-Crafting Games: The Inner Lie of Minecraft Modding," doctoral dissertation, Concordia University, Canada


Marc Lajeunesse, 2018, "'It taught me to hate them all': Toxicity through Dota2's Players, Systems, and Media Dispositive," MA thesis, Concordia University, Canada


Andrei Zanescu, 2018, "Counter-Balkanism in The Witcher & Gwent: A Historical Reinvention Beyond the Balkan Paradigm," MA thesis, Concordia University, Canada


Rebecca Waldie, 2018, "'It was just a prank, Han!': Wendibros, Girlfriend Woes, and Gender Politics in Until Dawn," MA thesis, Concordia University, Canada


Robyn Hope, 2018, "Play, Performance and Participation: Boundary Negotiation and Critical Role," MA thesis, Concordia University, Canada


Kalervo Sinervo, 2018, "Batland: Transmedia Strategy & Videogame Spatiality in Gotham City," doctoral dissertation, Concordia University, Canada


William Robinson, 2018, "Encoding Through Procedure: Unexpected Meaning in Serious Game Design," doctoral dissertation with research creation, Concordia University, Canada


Marilyn Sugiarto, 2017, "A Rhizomatic Reimagining of Nintendo's Hardware and Software History," MA thesis, Concordia University, Canada


Rainforest Scully Blaker, 2016, "Re-curating the Accident: Speedrunning as Community and Practice," MA thesis, Concordia University, Canada


Pierson Browne, 2015, "Jumping the Gap: Indie Labour and the Imagined Indie Community," MA thesis, Concordia University, Canada


Lindsay Tarnowetzki, 2015, "Environmental Storytelling and Bioshock: Infinite: Moving From Game Design to Game Studies," MA thesis, Concordia University, Canada


Irene Serrano Vazquez, 2015, "Participatory Practices and Journalism: The Impact of User-Generated Content in Making News," doctoral dissertation, Concordia University, Canada


Carolyn Jong, 2013, "The Selfish Selfless Hero: Questing in Dragon Age: Origins," MA thesis, Concordia University, Canada


Cynara Medina, 2010, "Understanding the ABC's of Ugly Betty: A Rhizomatic Analysis of the Illegal Immigrant Narrative in Ugly Betty, the Political Economy of Latino(a) Television Audiences, and Fan Engagement with Television Texts," doctoral dissertation, Ohio University, USA


Todd Harper, 2010, "The Art of War: Fighting Games, Performativity and Social Game Play," doctoral dissertation, Ohio University, USA


Hilary Kolos, 2010, "Not Just In It to Win It: Inclusive Game Play in an MIT Dorm," MA thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA


Janice Collins, 2009, "Finding Leadership in the 'Real World' of News: The Professional Socialization of Leadership Development and Issues of Power, Gender, Race and Self Esteem in a College Broadcast Journalism Lab: A Case Study," doctoral dissertation, Ohio University, USA


Nathan Dutton, 2007, "Participatory Quitting: Quitting Texts and World of Warcraft Player Culture," MA thesis, Ohio University, USA


Angela Pittman, 2002, "The Beautiful Ones: A Discussion of Beauty, The War Between Media and Cultural Standards of Female Beauty in Black and White America and an Examination of Diversity in Beauty Trends in American Print Fashion Media Over the Past 20 Years," MA thesis, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA


Nathan Atkinson, 2002, "Hate Crimes and Mass Media Response to Racial Violence: An Analysis of Newspaper Coverage of 1999 Benjamin Smith Shooting Spree," MA thesis, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA


Amy Lauters, 2001, "Converging Cultures: Television, the Internet, and the Fans of Lois and Clark," MA thesis, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA


Alisa Felber, 2001, "Olympic Athlete or Just Another Pretty Face? A Look at Stereotypical Portrayals of Female Athletes," MA thesis, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA














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